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taipo keyboard

> python -m taipo keyboard

  Commands to simulate keyboard typos.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  augment   Applies typos to an NLU file and saves it to disk.
  generate  Generate train/validation data with/without misspelling.

These tools are able to simulate keyboard typos. It uses nlpaug as a backend and supports keyboard layouts of 10 languages (de, en, es, fr, he, it, nl, pl, th, uk). For more details on the mapping see here.

taipo keyboard augment

The augment command generates a single misspelled NLU file.

python -m taipo keyboard augment --help
Usage: keyboard augment [OPTIONS] FILE OUT

  Applies typos to an NLU file and saves it to disk.

  FILE  The original nlu.yml file  [required]
  OUT   Path to write misspelled file to  [required]

  --char-max INTEGER  Max number of chars to change per line  [default: 3]
  --word-max INTEGER  Max number of words to change per line  [default: 3]
  --lang TEXT         Language for keyboard layout  [default: en]
  --seed-aug INTEGER  The seed value to augment the data
  --help              Show this message and exit.

Example Usage

This example generates a new bad-spelling-nlu.yml file from nlu.yml.

python -m taipo keyboard augment data/nlu.yml data/bad-spelling-nlu.yml

This example generates does the same thing but assumes a Dutch keyboard layout.

python -m taipo keyboard augment data/nlu.yml data/bad-spelling-nlu.yml --lang nl

taipo keyboard generate

The generate command takes a single NLU file and populates your data/test folders with relevant files to run benchmarks. Will also perform train/validation splitting.

> python -m taipo keyboard generate --help
Usage: keyboard generate [OPTIONS] FILE

  Generate train/validation data with/without misspelling.

  Will also generate files for the `/test` directory.

  FILE  The original nlu.yml file  [required]

  --seed-split INTEGER  The seed value to split the data  [default: 42]
  --seed-aug INTEGER    The seed value to augment the data
  --test-size INTEGER   Percentage of data to keep as test data  [default: 33]
  --prefix TEXT         Prefix to add to all the files  [default: misspelled]
  --char-max INTEGER    Max number of chars to change per line  [default: 3]
  --word-max INTEGER    Max number of words to change per line  [default: 3]
  --lang TEXT           Language for keyboard layout  [default: en]
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Example Usage

This command will take the original nlu-orig.yml file and will use it to populate the /test and /data folders.

> python -m taipo keyboard generate data/nlu-orig.yml

The current disk state is now:

📂 rasa-project
┣━━ 📂 data
┃   ┣━━ 📄 nlu-train.yml                ( 667 items)
┃   ┗━━ 📄 misspelled-nlu-train.yml     ( 667 items)
┣━━ 📂 tests
┃   ┣━━ 📄 nlu-valid.yml                ( 333 items)
┃   ┗━━ 📄 misspelled-nlu-valid.yml     ( 333 items)
┗━━ 📄 nlu-orig.yml                     (1000 items)