taipo translit
> python -m taipo translit
Commands to generate transliterations.
--help Show this message and exit.
augment Applies translitertion to an NLU file and saves it to disk.
generate Generate train/validation data with/without translitertion.
These tools are able to transliterate to and from a latin alphabet. It
uses transliterate as
a backend and supports (ru
, mn
, sr
, bg
, ka
, uk
, el
, mk
, l1
, hy
taipo translit augment
Transliterates a single NLU file to and from a latin alphabet.
> python -m taipo translit augment --help
Applies translitertion to an NLU file and saves it to disk.
FILE The original nlu.yml file [required]
OUT Path to write misspelled file to [required]
--target TEXT Alphabet to map to. [default: latin]
--source TEXT Alphabet to map from. [default: latin]
--lang TEXT Language for keyboard layout [default: en]
--help Show this message and exit.
Example Usage¶
This example generates a new greek-nlu.yml
file from nlu.yml
python -m taipo keyboard augment data/nlu.yml data/greek-nlu.yml --target el
This example generates works the other way around. It assumes a Greek alphabet as a starting point and transliterates it to the latin alphabet.
python -m taipo keyboard augment data/greek-nlu.yml data/latin-nlu.yml --source el
taipo translit generate
The generate command takes a single NLU file and populates your data/test folders with relevant files to run benchmarks. Will also perform train/validation splitting.
> python -m taipo translit generate --help
Generate train/validation data with/without translitertion.
Will also generate files for the `/test` directory.
FILE The original nlu.yml file [required]
--seed INTEGER The seed value to split the data [default: 42]
--test-size INTEGER Percentage of data to keep as test data [default: 33]
--prefix TEXT Prefix to add to all the files [default: translit]
--target TEXT Alphabet to map to. [default: latin]
--source TEXT Alphabet to map from. [default: latin]
--lang TEXT Language for keyboard layout [default: en]
--help Show this message and exit.
Example Usage¶
This command will take the original nlu-orig.yml
file and will use it to populate
the /test
and /data
folders. In this case it will generate characters from the
Greek alphabet.
> python -m taipo translit generate data/nlu-orig.yml --prefix greek --target el
The following files will now be on disk.
📂 rasa-project
┣━━ 📂 data
┃ ┣━━ 📄 nlu-train.yml ( 667 items)
┃ ┗━━ 📄 greek-nlu-train.yml ( 667 items)
┣━━ 📂 tests
┃ ┣━━ 📄 nlu-valid.yml ( 333 items)
┃ ┗━━ 📄 greek-nlu-valid.yml ( 333 items)
┗━━ 📄 nlu-orig.yml (1000 items)