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taipo confirm

> python -m taipo confirm --help

  Confirm labels inside of nlu.yml files.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  logistic    Confirm via basic sklearn pipeline.
  rasa-model  Confirm via trained Rasa pipeline.

taipo keyboard logistic

This command trains a basic countvector model and runs it against one of your nlu.yml files.

> taipo keyboard logistic --help
Usage: confirm logistic [OPTIONS] MODEL_PATH NLU_PATH [OUT_PATH]

  Confirm via basic sklearn pipeline.

  NLU_PATH    The original nlu.yml file  [required]
  [OUT_PATH]  Path to write examples file to  [default: checkthese.csv]

  --help  Show this message and exit.

The idea is that any intents that the model got wrong are interesting candidates to double-check. There may be some confusing/incorrectly labelled examples in your data.

Example Usage

This command will take the nlu.yml file, train a pipeline based on it which it will then use to try to find bad labels. Any wrongly classifier examples will be saved in the checkthese.csv file.

> python -m taipo confirm logistic nlu.yml checkthese.csv

The checkthese.csv file also contains a confidence level, indicating the confidence that the model had while making the prediction. When a model shows high confidence on a wrong label, it deserves priority.

taipo keyboard rasa-model

This command takes a pretrained Rasa model and runs it against one of your nlu.yml files.

> taipo keyboard rasa-model --help
Usage: confirm rasa-model [OPTIONS] MODEL_PATH NLU_PATH [OUT_PATH]

  Confirm via trained Rasa pipeline.

  MODEL_PATH  Location of Rasa model.  [required]
  NLU_PATH    The original nlu.yml file  [required]
  [OUT_PATH]  Path to write examples file to  [default: checkthese.csv]

  --help  Show this message and exit.

The idea is that any intents that the model got wrong are interesting candidates to double-check. There may be some confusing/incorrectly labelled examples in your data.

Example Usage

This command will take the model.tar.gz model file and run it against the nlu.yml file. Any wrongly classifier examples will be saved in the checkthese.csv file.

> python -m taipo confirm nlu.yml model.tar.gz checkthese.csv

The checkthese.csv file also contains a confidence level, indicating the confidence that the model had while making the prediction. When a model shows high confidence on a wrong label, it deserves priority.